Authors Posts by Jim Laughlin

Jim Laughlin

Jim Laughlin
My passion is helping organizations develop the talent and leadership needed to create sustainable results. I help clients do so at the organizational, team and individual levels, including but not limited to defining future leadership requirements, assessing leadership potential and readiness, building the leadership pipeline at all levels, coaching and developing teams and individuals, succession planning, and change leadership. Clients and colleagues will tell you I am a creative and strategic thinker who is results- and deadline-driven and who also loves forging strong relationships through purposeful work together. As head of MDA’s northeast region, I connect area organizations with MDA’s solutions in leadership development, talent management, assessment, organizational performance, and CEO/board consultancy. For 35 years, MDA has helped large- and mid-sized companies solve their talent issues and get the results they need year after year. I was formerly a Senior Consultant and Director of Product Development for Linkage, Inc., specializing in organizational and leadership development. I led the design, development and delivery of over 60 distinct multi-day training programs and multiple assessments used in Fortune 500 businesses and leading global organizations. I have also held leadership positions in both for profit and nonprofit organizations.

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