The Strategic Fitness Process really energized the transformation in multiple dimensions…The changes we made happened because of SFP…” (Vince Forlenza CEO, Becton Dickinson “Fit to Compete” provides a guide to a distinctive and time test Stratergic Fitness Process (SFP) employed by CEO Forlenza CEOs and business unit leaders in over 150 corporations across the globe who have employed SFP and it’s underlying principles to accerate stratergic change. SFP enabled these sebior executives to lead an completely honest, collective and internally public conversation involving the whole orgnaization. They learned about ther company’s strengths and hidden normally unsicussible barriers that are standing in the way of greater effectivenssand performance. The book provides multiple rich examples of how differewnt orgnaizations in different industries and countries applied SFP with often dramtic results. Fit to Compete” will be helpful to CEOs, senior leaders, and senior HR professionals who are needed to facilitate SFP and the changes that follow.