1. Get off Facebook and other “friendship-driven” social media! Even though a majority of candidates look for jobs on Facebook, this is the absolute wrong place to job search.
Recruiters aren’t looking for you there. They are looking for mistakes you are making when you post ridiculous pictures of your cats, dogs, birds and family. For example, remember that stupid picture you took of yourself with a drink in your hand flashing the peace sign? No employer wants to see that. And, guess what – even if you have a private account, it is still searchable and can be scraped.
2. Do post information that shows you have thorough knowledge of the job you are seeking.
Read the job description; what does it require in terms of knowledge and expertise? Prove you have the expertise by writing articles that show your knowledge. If the job requires you to be an expert in Six Sigma, then write about best practices in Six Sigma. It’s that easy!
3. Build up your resources and benchmarking for the job you are seeking.
Employers want to see you have a solid network of organizations, contacts, and vendors you can call upon to manage and lead in your job. There is no such thing as a strong leader with a weak network.
4. Brag a little.
List your awards, certifications, education and endorsements. Get rated on your skills and past work from colleagues.
People want to know more about your drive to succeed, willingness to get feedback and rating on your past work and activities and ability to market yourself. If you can’t do it for yourself, then how would you be able to do it for an employer’s organization?
For more on this, and other articles on performance management, leadership development, executive coaching, organizational learning, talent management and other Human Resource topics, please follow these links to: Best Practice Institute and the Leadership and Management blog. Use this tool to get 360-degree feedback: www.skillrater.com and post the answers on your LinkedIn profile. It will validate and provide immediate references for new employers.