Integrating Social Elements with Formal Learning Programs

Integrating Social Elements with Formal Learning Programs

Integrating Social Elements with Formal Learning Programs

By Vince Talbot, Learning Manager, Cigna 

Cigna University supports several enterprise-wide leadership programs, i.e. Segment Manager Development (SMDP), Physician Leadership Development (PLDP), The Way We Lead (TWWL), and Leading for the Future (LFF), etc.

While the second cohort of PLDP is just now starting and we have a bit of additional configuration on their site, and SMDP will not re-start until 2016 – the following are a few ideas on how we will be trying to drive the social/virtual collaboration aspects.

  1. Virtual tribal guides.  Prior graduates serve as “virtual mentors” and will be connecting with new cohort via discussion boards.   Tribal guides from SMDP will get a quick virtual lesson and a few assignments once SMDP starts back up.  Prior graduates have already raised their hand to serve in this capacity.
  2. Use of video messaging.  We will be strongly encouraging POD members to film a few assignments (i.e.  Interview your mentor or manager on the following:  leadership philosophy etc.).
  3. Pro/Con tables as a direct assignment that is tied to program elements- encouraging time to reflect and share – kudos given.
  4. “Baiting” discussion boards with questions tied to program elements (I am seeing this is working in CHATTER- where leaders within sales are asking teams to share best practices- folks are responding)
  5. Blogging as an assignment that is again tied to program elements (watch this video- blog about your findings)

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