Change to A Forward Thinking Performance Management Process

Performance management best practice

It’s time to look at strengths and change our coaching conversations and performance management systems- far too often we scare people in telling them what they did wrong instead of focusing on what they did great and what they can get better at doing. Stop scaring, and start developing people.

In this video, BPI’s Founder and CEO Louis Carter describes how to enable your employees to do better work, and be more productive.


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Scott Baxt
Scott is responsible for setting, leading, managing, and driving the marketing and business strategy for BPI. He has an impressive track record as Director of Marketing both for ERE and IQPC. An innovative senior marketing professional, I have over 18 years experience developing and executing results producing and research-driven marketing strategies as the former Director of Marketing at both IQPC and ERE Media. As the 5th employee and Director of Marketing at ERE, I developed and implemented a marketing strategy and function to increase revenue and grow ERE’s reach within the Talent Acquisition & HR professions. ERE grew in revenue, profit, and employee size nearly 6 fold during my tenure. As the Director of Marketing for IPQC, I immediately impacted profitability of the international business information and conference/trade show organization by implementing innovative marketing approaches to conferences in a wide variety of business sectors. I was promoted to head up marketing for NYC office of IQPC within 15 months.